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Polly's Major Melter

Polly's Major Melter

Regular price £4.90
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Spur is a massive in-house favourite here at Polly's with our raven-haired head of sales Arron routinely naming it as his favourite beer that we produce, and the proof is in the pudding - the hop bill of Azacca, Citra and Simcoe bounces with Um-Bongo levels of tropical flavour, featuring a full on fruit salad of papaya, peach, tangerine and mango on both the nose and flavour. The scrappy medium child of the original Augment trio - a nightmare to can on its first go round in 2019 on the back of how highly hopped it was - we've tamed this awesome beast and treated it to the 2022 treatment it truly deserves. Slathered with our bespoke in-house LA3 yeast culture for massive hop suspension, this is a beer that is 100% hazy, dank, and juicy. Spur, it's good to have you back. 

440ml can, 5.1% ABV

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