Jester King
Jester King SPON '21 750ml
Jester King SPON '21 750ml
"Our trademark annual SPON Three Year Blend is 100% spontaneously fermented beer inspired by authentic Belgian-Gueuze. 2021 SPON Three Year Blend is a blend of our 2018, 2019, and 2020 vintages of SPON. This is our flagship beer for the Spon program.
For Jester King SPON, we mix water from our well with local grains in a turbid mash, boil the wort for hours with aged hops from the attic of our barn, chill the wort overnight in our coolship, 100% spontaneously fermenting the beer with native yeast and bacteria, and mature it for years in oak barrels before blending and natural refermentation in the bottle. The resulting beer is a unique reflection of the Texas Hill Country, the ecology of the Texas winter, and the people of Jester King."
750ml bottle, 5.4% ABV