Nevel Weide 330ml
Nevel Weide 330ml
A picnic in the grass on a lazy afternoon, the sun high in the sky, your bare feet playing with the tiny blades. The soft buzzing of a honey bee visiting nearby flowers carries you away, a bird chirps excitedly in the woods. A small insect tickles your skin, a broken sprig pricks your side. A lost dewdrop clings stubbornly to the grass, the wind carries the sweet scent of hay from a neighbouring farm.
Weide is best enjoyed on a warm day when a dry, refreshing beer is the best way to cool down. It is a particularly light beer, but its bitterness and rural aromas of wild yeast offer a truly interesting drinking experience. Locally grown Spalter hop gives subtle notes of lime and young grass. Weide has a low ABV and a a delicate complexity, making it a highly sessionable beer. Weide is best paired with lighter dishes or served as an aperitif.
330ml bottle, 4.0% ABV